“Drive With Reason” This Holiday Season

Who’s responsibility is it to be sure people are driving safely and are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yours! And mine! Statistics from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System show that although the number of people killed in the US in car accidents...

Is the Drug-Free Workplace Act Working?

Has your employer instituted a Drug-Free Workplace policy yet? According to the American Council for Drug Education, since the act was passed in 1988, more than half (57%) of all employers have begun drug testing all employee. Even though the act did not mandate drug...

Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients on the Rise

Kansas is one of the most recent states to try to pass laws requiring welfare recipients to submit to drug testing.  Although there are many opponents who claim that this will cost the state too much money to test all of these people, in the long run this will help to...

Stop! Don’t Eat Out of That Can!

Guess what?  Another warning on what we should and shouldn’t be eating.  This time though, it’s not the type of food, but what it’s wrapped in that matters.  Eating locally grown, fresh produce is even better for you than you thought, so go ahead,...